Team Captain

GM Nick


GM David


GM William


GM Alex


GM Raye


GM Miah


GM Amy


GM Greg


GM Ian


GM Phillip


GM Brendan


GM Kona

GM Monte

GM Monte

GM Blake

GM Blake

GM Ted

GM Ted

No Results Found

Team Captain

GM Nick

Nick has been running games since 2018. He was introduced to the hobby with D&D 5e and has since expanded out into the OSR scene, as well as Forged in the Dark, Rooted in Trophy, and Powered by the Apocalypse. He’s always happy to try out a new system or a new way of playing, but feels most at home with games like MÖRK BORG or Sunken. He aims to provide a space where you feel free to do the crazy and unexpected while striking a balance between crunch and narrative. If you have an affinity for the weird or otherworldly, you’ll be in good hands.


GM David

David started RPGs with 4th edition D&D. Over the last 10 years, he has bounced between systems and groups as both a DM and player. David loves fantasy, contemporary, and mystery adventures. For him, the fun in adventuring is turning over the rocks to find out what lays beneath, or pulling the lever and seeing what happens.


GM William

I’ve been playing RPGs since I was knee high to a goblin, and making things nearly as long.


GM Alex

Alex is a pro GM who has a deep love for horror TTRPGs and introducing new people to them. They also belong to several online communities where they run streamed actual plays. They are always happy to talk about TTRPGs and make it an effort to ensure their tables are fun, welcoming, and safe.


GM Raye


GM Miah

My life I have spent traveling, connecting with nature through wilderness survival and engrossing myself in stories via acting, books, and RPG’s. I love all facets of games and stories. Sometime its board games, video games or sports; often its roleplaying. I started a summer camp for Board games and TTRPG’s, with the intention of connection youth to imagination and play. My passion for TTRPG’s are concentrated on the game Degenesis, its a impressive game, and I would love to share it with yall.


GM Amy

I’m a graphic designer and artist in the PNW. I love hiking in the outdoors and spending time with friends, especially playing cooperative board games or ttrpgs.


GM Greg

Greg has been running games since he was on the elementary school playground and first cracked open the WEG Star Wars D6 book in 1996. Greg loves the collaborative storytelling of narrative focused RPGs and plays to be surprised by the awesome stuff you’ll do! Although he doesn’t mind some crunch, Greg’s recent favorites are narrative games that run on the Powered by the Apocalypse, FATE, or Forged in the Dark engines, but he’ll run just about anything! Some other games he’s enjoyed running are Legend of the Five Rings, Mage: the Awakening, 7th Sea, Heart, and various non-D&D hacks of the Eberron campaign setting.


GM Ian

Ian has been running and playing RPGs for 15+ years. While he started because his dad ran games for him with his rustic 2nd edition books, over time curiosity lead him to discover Fate, Blades in the Dark, and other systems that fit more with the narrative angles and player flexibility they desired. Ian enjoys running Fate, Magical Kitties Save the Day, and Blades/Forged in the Dark, but honestly is willing to try any system, including offbeat stuff like Paranoia. In addition to teaching folks new systems, he loves introducing new players, young and old, to the wonderful wacky world of RPGs. Balancing challenging players to explore new horizons while making sure everyone has a good time, is something Ian is currently focusing on.


GM Phillip

Phillip started running games in 2018, starting with DnD 5e (surprise, right?). He’s a lover of the dark and unforgiving, and of the magical and lighthearted alike. Soulsborne games and Sanderson novels are his biggest inspirations to shamelessly steal from, and he’s always on the lookout for his new favorite RPG!


GM Brendan

Brendan loves games of all sorts, but he especially loves getting to step outside of this world and conjure up fantastical new ones when playing RPGs. He is fascinated by the intersections of games, performance art, theater and culture. He also likes hiking, coffee shops and fermented foods — he does live in Portland after all.


GM Kona

Kona is an avid ttrpg player, GM, and designer with particular passion for rules-lite games that focus on interpersonal relationships, character arcs, and emotional turmoil; her favorite games are Royal Blood, Trophy Dark, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, and For the Queen. When she is not playing, she performs enchantments on computers. She loves the color purple, heists, bats, and terrifying fae. You can find her ttrpg design work at


GM Monte

Tabletop rpg writer, editor, and GM. Short spec fic writer too. Just a lot of words, honestly.


GM Blake

GM Blake has been running TTRPGs since 2014. Since 2018 he’s been collecting, playing, and running any small TTRPG he can get his hands on. His love of film, comic books, and comedy inform his hobbies and creative pursuits. He wants to hear about your favorite characters, adventures, and games!


GM Ted

Ted’s been playing and running TTRPGs off-and-on since the early 80s, starting with Basic D&D, Top Secret, and Gamma World. He’s mixed it up over the past decade with a variety of systems, from PbtA to the various “_Borgs” and GUMSHOE, while still enjoying older games in new forms, like Basic Fantasy RPG and Old School Essentials. Current favorites to run (and play when the opportunity arises) are Gamma World 7e, Mutant Year Zero, CY_Borg, Death in Space, Olde Swords Reign, Traveller, and Dragonbane.