One Piece Genesys Hack

One Piece Core Rules

51 Pages of content • 43 new talents • 300+ devil fruits • 5 Haki Trees • 6 new archetypes • Gear • Ships • Adversaries

Pregens: The Bloodbeard Pirates

Blair Amano (Rat Rat Fruit) • Dr. Shashimi Paul (Steam Steam Fruit) • Hhawkril Dragonthorn (Axe Specialist) • Red Scale (Brachiosaurus Fruit) • Stanley Threepwood (Mop Specialist) • Teel Prick (Rose Rose Fruit)

One Piece Demo Game

The adventure takes place in the kingdom of Ballywood. The climate is typically warm and tropical, but the capital is currently frozen over. This is one of the players stops on their journey down the Grand Line.

Overall this is meant to be a goofy and fun intro adventure! This has been playtest 3 times and each time it was drastically different. The main goal is to give a run down of a typical island in the one piece world: 1. Arrive at island to find a problem 2. Find the source of the problem 3. Fight the problem. I hope you enjoy!

If you want to read through another mini-campaign ran with this system feel free to check out the CYA1: One Piece

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