When the mercenaries arrive in Neo-Tokyo 2100, they are greeted by a country determined to cling to tradition and ignore the growing urban blight. Shadowy work is available everywhere in Japan’s sprawling metropolis. The team can interact with a wide range of fixers and connections, ranging from the Triad’s Three Toes Chao and the retired Yakuza boss, Matsuo “Boss” Shige, to Genji Corporation’s co-CEOs, the mysterious brothers Yoritomo and Yoshitsune Genji.
Neo-Tokyo is a fast-hitting Savage Worlds adventure book including:
- Over six major connections, each with their own subplots and story arcs
- A major adventure storyline with three acts and an explosive finale
- Nearly twenty distinct locations, each with plot hooks and story elements
- Twelve side quests ranging from drunk sumo wrestlers to murderous cyber-psychos
- Full color art by Dean Spencer, Lorenzo Tombesi, Radi Evaristus, and more
- Details on Genji Corporation’s experimental cloning technology
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