Avatar Legends: Looming Spirits

Below you will find the stories told throughout the Avatar Legends multi-table campaign in July 2023. These are stories written by the players about their adventure! 

Session 1:

Mika, an experienced guardian water bender comes from the northern tribe and once revered with a high status within her village. Age 32, large frame, red hair, green eyes, woodsy appearance. She previously failed to protect a former ward: the revered tortoise, Tortuga, of her tribe. She let an outsider in and they charmed her and ended up being someone else. They stole and murdered their tribes beloved turtle to sell on the black market at a high value. She was able to receive a part of the shell and made a pendant as a remembrance of her failure to protect. Since then, she retreated into the wilderness and lived among nature and the spirits for 10 years, learning a more intuitive water bending style and how to better coming with the spirits.

She was called to action by harmonizing with the water spirits, which led her to realize her new ward: one with the mark of the air bending temple, Yuno.

Mika is friendly, a little off beat socially, and likes to listen to the energy around her to help make decisions. She befriends animals (sometimes they don’t like her though, she can be overbearing in protection) and champions for fair treatment of turtles.

Session 2:

Mika, with her curiosity for information decided to take the magic-based mirror to a temple for further investigation. After realizing that Yuno would be okay in this town, she thought it was a good time to do some solo information gathering.

She found herself at a temple and one of the devoted members there approached her asking about the object she was carrying. They were not able to give Mika any information so she attempt at one more time to commune with whatever spirit, being, connection that was tied to the mirror on her own in a meditation room inside the temple.

Upon meditating she heard sounds and called out again to the voice that came through when the mirror opened the portal. She has something very simple, “where are you?”

The mirror buzzed and whirred before completely disappearing in front of her view. Surprised and at a loss on leads, she prepared to return the group and share her unfortunate result.

Oh, and she had been cursed, not realizing what she saw previously.

“Maybe it’s good that mirror is gone.” She mumbled to herself before rejoining the group at their predetermined to meet up spot.

Session 3:

In the temple I started to get a group of sages circling around me. It made me feel uneasy because I was unsure whether to assess if they were Friend or foe so in my hasty action, I ice jetted out of the temple with one of their thugs following me. As they were on my tail meyzo-ta saw me and tried to intervene. Oh no! Don’t get caught up in my trouble! I turned around to assist her and was able intimidate, to the best of my non intimidating ability, the person that was following me. I was able to get some answers before letting him go and regrouping with everyone.

I’ve been seeing some weird things and hearing whispers the past couple days but it seems to have subsided a bit when I let go of that scroll to Bie’s bag. I decided that maybe I should trust in the abilities of others instead of being so self-reliant because Yuno has proven herself over and over again what a prodigy she is. But see that’s the thing I was tasked with protecting her as my ward and feel a bit insecure that I have not been able to live up to my task. It reminds me of my previous failure of protecting our tribe’s beloved turtle, tortuga. But hey that’s besides the point. I’m still thinking about how I almost got pulled down to the clutches of who knows what before being saved by Bie.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had to interact with so many people as I lived by the land. But I must trust my intuition because it has led me on this path and questionable journey and as I grow and learn. I realize I’m not ready to just disappear into the woods yet and my water bending can still be honed, just like my ability to commune with the spirits through water.

I wonder what those voices were trying to say…

A noble member of the Saowan clan of the Fire Nation. Her half brother, Chaejin, was accused of trying to usurp the throne from his half brother, Lord Zoryu. The entire Saowan Clan, particularly Myezo-Ta’s mother, Lady Huazo, was accused of conspiring with the mistaken avatar and former friend of Kyoshi, Yun. This resulted in the great humiliation and threat to the lives of numerous Fire Nation nobles. Lord Zoryu assured all the Fire Nation that he caught Yun and executed him.

Myezo-Ta was suspicious that this wasn’t true. With her mother’s blessing, she investigated the royal prisons and discovered a Yun doppelganger in one of the cells, confirming Myezo-Ta’s suspicions.

She takes it upon herself to free the doppelganger and bring him to Avatar Kyoshi herself, to show what a dishonorable liar Lord Zoryu is, unaware that Avatar Kyoshi is fully aware of Lord Zoryu’s actions and the man in the prison cell. Unfortunately, she made a grave mistake in this campaign. She brought the doppelganger to Koh the face stealer, leading to the robbery of the doppelganger’s face so Koh may impersonate the man mistaken for the avatar. Myezo-Ta is now traveling to the Earth Kingdom to amend this mistake.

Oh, and she somehow came across Bie, Yuno, Mika, and a Fire ferret throughout all of this.

Session 1:

Prison is so boring. I don’t know why Aunt Xi hasn’t had anyone bail me out yet. At this rate, I might have to go home.

Fantastic Update! These two idiot bender kids broke in here to bust out Yuen. Or his body double? I’m not sure. Point is I convinced them that I could be useful to their quest, and now we’re traveling together. The kids are going on about some spirit imbalance nonsense, and I’m all down to save the world and everything, but I’m just a guy with a cool stick. Maybe they could actually use someone with my skills and it’s not all just a bluff? We’ll find out.

Session 2:

Myezo is really in it, huh? I thought those guys from the rival Dao Fey clan were after me, but those schoolgirls came after her first. Proud of her for standing up to them.

Yuno and Mika continue to be caught up in bender stuff I don’t really understand, but we speak the same language when it comes to throwing down. That ice prison Mika put together? So cool.

We also picked up a couple of weird spirit-touched items. Izi seems to have some ability to sniff them out. I want to help the little guy, but anything that talks without a mouth freaks me out. Hopefully when we defeat the fake Yuen, I can stop having to deal with spirit talking mirrors and scrolls and stuff for a while.

Now we’re in a new town where we heard Earth Sage Bumi lives. I’ve connected up with an old friend of Aunt Xi’s to get some information. I offered for Mika to come with me, but she insists that earthbending acolytes will know more about those werid items than anyone from my line of work. Yuno is off drawing way too much attention to herself, of course, but maybe we can use that to our favor. Meyzo is off training, but if you ask me, she doesn’t need it. The girl is a good firebender and a great leader already.

She thinks I didn’t notice her leave that coin behind for the cart we borrowed. It’s weird how much that’s stuck with me. I’m still not sure how I feel about that, but I know she did it because on some level she’s ashamed of me. I don’t want her to think of me that way. I know I’m not a good person, I am a Dao Fey after all, but I want to try and be good enough where Meyzo feels she can really rely on me. I owe her that much for busting me out of prison.

Session 3:

I can’t go home. Not after this.

I brought Yuno to Zibi in the morning just as she asked. Turns out, it was so Yuno could compete in the Dao Fey tournament on behalf of the Liondillos. In the moment I agreed, but when we got out of her office, I tried to tell Yuno just how dangerous this was going to be. She didn’t seem to really get it.

We traveled up to the Taught Rope hideout for the fight that evening. I don’t know how the talk with Meyzo’s earthbender friend went, but I’m guessing not well ’cause she was in a mood when her and Mika got to the arena. Mika agreed to stay at the fight and keep and eye on Yuno while Meyzo and I went to fulfil the other part of Zibi’s request.

Breaking into the Big House was easy enough. With the competition going on, everything was pretty unguarded. We found another of those creepy talking papers and then went to investigate the rest of the house. Meyzo tried her best, but The Royal Firebending Academy for Girls doesn’t exactly teach courses in B&E. She managed to draw the attention of the only guard in the place. I took him out, but I think it freaked Meyzo out a little bit.

We found what they were guarding: another earth sage named Fing Feng. And then against my better judgement we let him out. We planned to make our way to the arena to let Yuno finish her fight, but nothign is ever that easy, and we had to make a run for it. Luckily, FIng Feng made good on his word and lead us to Bumi. Or at least to her secret hideout.

Oooh man that place was weird. It felt like back in the prison when we crossed into the spirit world. Yuen was there, which was good news for our quest, but it wasn’t Yuen? It was Koh, I think, mimicking his form. Izi came in clutch and saved us, but I had to help Mika from getting dragged away into some freaky portal. All of this reminds me of the vision from a few days ago. Whatever’s going on here, it’s bad. And I think it might be our fault.

Session 1:

In the Kyoshi era of the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe, Yuno Mei emerges as a remarkable 17-year-old airbender. Her exceptional skills have earned her the reputation of being a prodigy among her peers, causing her to carry herself with a sense of pride. However, this pride can sometimes overshadow her interactions with others, leading to occasional misunderstandings.

Yuno’s upbringing was surrounded by the presence of wise and nurturing monks who played a crucial role in her growth and skill development. Their guidance and teachings helped shape her into the gifted airbender she is today. However, the most influential figure in Yuno’s life is her strict and overprotective father. His watchful eye and high expectations have fueled Yuno’s desire to prove herself and overcome any doubts or limitations her father may have.

Despite the strictness of her upbringing, Yuno harbors deep love and respect for her father. She understands that his intentions stem from a place of concern for her well-being and safety. Yuno’s journey into the world is driven not only by her desire to find the missing component that will solidify her status as a true prodigy but also to discover her own identity beyond the expectations set by her father.

As Yuno ventures into the world, she seeks experiences that will challenge and shape her as an airbender. She hopes to find mentors and encounter trials that will push her beyond her limits, forcing her to evolve and grow. Along this path, Yuno aims to discover her true potential and strike a balance between her pride, her relationships with others, and her connection to her airbending heritage.

With determination in her heart and a burning desire to prove herself, Yuno Mei embarks on an adventure filled with self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of becoming the prodigy she aspires to be.

Session 2:

In the ancient era of Avatar Kyoshi, a tale of unlikely heroes embarks on a perilous journey to confront the malevolent spirit, Koh. Among this courageous band, there is Yuno, a 17-year-old prodigy airbender who soars through the skies with unwavering pride. Alongside her stands Bie, a 26-year-old hotheaded pirate, who, despite lacking bending abilities, is driven by an unyielding determination. Mika, a caring and skilled waterbender, is assigned the sacred duty to protect Yuno at all costs, while Myezo-Ta, a 13-year-old with a tumultuous past, struggles with motherly issues and an air of privilege.

Their path leads them to the Earth Kingdom, where they venture to a secluded coastal town. During their boat ride, fate bestows upon them a unique companion—a fire ferret named IZI. This pink devil of a fire ferret, though feisty, is full of good intentions and becomes their sole lead in tracking down the sinister Koh. Amidst playful interactions with IZI, the group reaches the town, and their quest begins in earnest.

Their first stop is an old man’s humble tea shop, where they seek information about Bumi, an earth sage who may hold vital knowledge to confront Koh. The tea shop owner shares what little he knows, and the party sets out on their path. Yet, as they depart, IZI suddenly dashes away, prompting Yuno and Mika to chase after the spirited creature. Meanwhile, Bie and Myezo-Ta confront suspicious-looking pirates, determined to clear any obstacles from their path.

Yuno and Mika eventually arrive at a sacred temple, in search of IZI. However, their search takes an unexpected turn when they discover a peculiar artifact at its center. The air around them grows tense as the scent of burning wood fills the air. Four firebenders, belonging to Myezo-Ta’s affluent school, stand outside the temple, ready to challenge our heroes.

With unwavering resolve, the team reunites to face their adversaries. Bie, with his quick thinking, sends a grappling hook flying, striking one of the firebenders in the head. Myezo-Ta, attempting to defuse the situation with her words, hopes to sway her former comrades. Mika showcases her waterbending prowess in support of her allies, while Yuno summons the raw might of the winds, launching a massive airbending attack to subdue their foes.

In the aftermath of the epic clash, the truth behind the attack emerges—these firebenders sought to reclaim Myezo-Ta’s privileged life, unaware of the peril that threatens the world. Our heroes make it clear that this mission transcends individual needs; it is a mission to save the very fabric of existence.

As the sun sets over the horizon, the group sets their sights on the greater task ahead—the confrontation with Koh, the malevolent spirit. Their destinies intertwine, forming a bond stronger than any element, as they prepare to face the greatest challenge of their lives. With courage in their hearts and spirits unbowed, Yuno, Bie, Mika, Myezo-Ta, and IZI stand united, ready to change the course of history in the era of Avatar Kyoshi. Their adventure continues, and the tale of their bravery echoes throughout the ages, inspiring generations to come.


Zolzaya’s inner monologue #1

I heard a rumor that Princess Zeisan might be visiting the school again sometime soon. I doubt that’s true – the princess is a very busy woman… But what if she is visiting? I wasn’t exactly able to cook her something nice the last time I saw her. Hmmm… I wonder…

3 eggs 2 eggs

Big scoop of sugar

Scrape out a vanilla bean


Sifted Flour

Chocolate cream Red bean paste?

I don’t know… Might have to get some of the others to taste test first. Doesn’t matter – everything’s been a little tense lately so I am sure everyone would like something sweet to help take their mind off of things.

Gotta check in on Zaya tomorrow anyway – didn’t exactly know how to respond to the letter from Shini. I’m still doing my job, right? The Fire Lord himself seems to want to threaten this school while the students are adamant about defending it. Here you are again, Zolzaya, trying to keep people from getting singed who have a compulsion to stand in the middle of the fire. At least some of them seem to be able to take care of themselves… And making sure the rest stay safe is just the right thing to do.

Ah well. I am sure it will all be fine. I’ll get around to responding to Shini later..

I wonder if it’d taste good with sweet chili paste…?
Zolzaya’s Inner Monologue #2

What… What is happening today? Sure, working at this school has had no shortage of exciting and confusing days. But today? It’s something else.

The Fire Lord tried to shut down our school, Brother Khandro is set to marry the princess, a strange fox spirit was following Zaya around, and…

I saw him. He looked… Scared. Like he was in trouble. Wherever he is, whatever is happening, I’m powerless to help him…


No, no Zolzaya shut that down. We’ve got to get to Sister Rioshon and find out what’s really happening with this union between Brother Khandro and Zeisan. It may have saved the school, but it doesn’t seem… Right.




I had almost forgotten what he looked like…

Zolzaya’s Inner Monologue #3

Kiriyoshi? Are… are you trapped in that damned talisman. Bowen said he saw people… The dead. If you’re in there… What the hell did Brother Khandro do?

Here we go – into this place… This group of troublemakers that seem to dive head first time after time. Honestly, I might be the oldest of all these students, but I think I might be the most scared. I’m not like Mayu with his pragmatism, Kayo with her passion, Ayami with her free spirit, Bowen with his bravery, or Zaya with her gifts. I’m just a cook.

So why am I the one… With these wings? Picked by this… Being? Carried away, dragging me towards something that I’d normally be dragging everyone else away from.

Too late to back down now, Zolzaya.

A journal entry by Bowen #1

Dear whoever is reading my journal

Everything is so crazy different here! All the people and different cultures make you wonder why we even have split nations!

Im continuously surprised at how much you can do with words, Like Air Nomads often just help each other when they are asked, without asking for anything in return! I think we could all strive to help more. Well I gotta get back to learning, plus this writing thing is kinda cramping up my hand.

Later Journal!


Bowen talking to Asayo(?)

I dont know quite whats happenin dude, but you are here, and I want to keep it that way, things are crazy right now. The princess and Brother Khandro are getting married, a riot happened in the school! There was this crazy mask that was stuck to Kayo’s face and it spoke to me! A lot has happened since you’ve been gone, and I think this is just the beginning of it all, but right now I want to make sure you’re safe, I wont let anything happen to you. Just dont let go of me, I wont lose you again, I wont lose anyone ever again, got that?

Bowen’s Rambles

Okay, so lets get this straight. I lost Asayo, again, there was left a dragon egg behind when he vanished. Sister Ryoshin got pulled out of her body?? Zaya also got ripped out of her body, we looked for Seizan, we found her in Ryoshin’s room, she hit me with a candlestick(respect)then NINJAS showed up, we beat the crud out of them, one of em was Kayo’s bro, the other two were Ayami’s parents, that was crazy. Brother Khandro, that piece of work hired the ninja’s and then kidnapped all three of them, plus Saizan. We followed him into this sinkhole, where we found out he traveled through time, which explains what I saw when I touched his amulet, speaking of that stupid amulet, it had Asayo and other peoples faces in it. I dont know what thats about but I’m gonna get that amulet, and I’m gonna break every bone in Khandro’s body to get it back.

Post Finale letter to his new friends

Hey Guys!

Its Bowen, its been a while! I’ve been traveling a lot, I’m currently in Ba Sing Se with some family, and it is so awesome here! I’m looking into this lava bending thing I saw someone do. It’s nice to be around so many other earthbenders, we should all meet up again some time, I miss y’all, and I haven’t given up on saving the air nomads from the future. You all helped me grow so much.

Kayo, you’ve managed to stay true to yourself in a crazy spot with your family, and no matter how much it’s hard, its so cool that you stick to your principles!

Zolzaya, dude you rock(pun intended) I respect and appreciate how much you’ve been able to take care and comfort everyone, I hope that over time I can get that skill, you’re an inspiration to me.

Zaya, when I met you I thought you were someone who’d buckle under pressure, and that I needed to prepare you for the cruddy things in the world. Now I see that you had your own journey, and that with that journey you have a strength that I lack.

Mayu, we never talked a whole lot, but I can still see how determined of a fighter you are. You stepped up where it mattered and thats all I can ask for, You are a powerful friend, and a foe I wouldnt wanna come across.

Ayami, we had a blast together causing problems! You get out with your words and cunning though, and thats something I lack, so keep up with that, and dont get into trouble without me.

Thats all for now Gang! I never stop thinkin bout yall! So just keep it up, and I’ll see you soon!

Your friend,


Mayu innermost thoughts

Well, my time at the school hasn’t been as easy as I had thought. I expected to be able to watch a bunch of fire benders attempt, and ultimately fail, at learning the air bending ways but instead I keep getting sucked into protecting the school and helping/listening to people who I normally wouldn’t talk to. Zaya was really the only one I talked to at the Air Temple and I was perfectly fine with that. However, with her recently being indisposed, I’ve been forced to make new friends and even trust them with my life.

It’s tough. It’s so much easier to predict the success of something if I can just do it all myself; so much easier when I was out on my own. No one to worry about, no one to listen to. Just me doing what I think is right, when I think I need to do it.

However, with the way that Bowen just is able to go in and do things well and the way that Zolzaya can so easily assess a situation, maybe it’s okay to ask for advice from these people? Maybe they won’t use my vulnerabilities to ultimately betray me or force me to do things I don’t want to do? Maybe I can work with a team for once? At any rate, something really terrible is coming and, for now at least, they need me. And I feel like, maybe, I need them?

Zaya’s inner monologue

I look up and see the patterns on the ceiling in my room, the repetitions of the patterns, bring me back to my time at the Western Air Temple. My last time there, Sister Pemba was letting me know Shini was arriving. I knew of course everyone would be in awe of my talents, but I did not realize it would take me from my home.

Just as I was getting ready to go, Sister Pemba comes by and gives me my 2 fans. And of course she knew that was exactly what I needed to finish creating my new move.

It’s been lonely here, lonelier than I imagined, with just my bending to take me through the motions. Shini says to try to make some friends, but she doesn’t get it. Everyone else isn’t like me. But Kyoshi wasn’t like everyone else either and she found her friendships, her community which supported her talents. Does that really make a difference? I guess being here is my chance to try…

Zaya’s Diary Entry

My arm still stings from that spirit fox bite in my dream. Why wouldn’t he let me near Kyoshi’s headdress? It’s a relic and needs to be protected and preserved!! Wouldn’t the fox understand that??

Anyway, I’m grateful Zolzaya was there with those dumplings after my second encounter with the fox…but not sure why he wants to keep pushing on about Shini. I don’t want to talk about Shini, I don’t want to talk about that life, I just want to focus and succeed in my abilities. Maybe that is what I can gain trying to locate Sister Rioshon with the group. I mean helping Kayo with Professor Aditi made me feel…good, I think…

If I lean towards this makeshift community, does that make me stronger? I guess I’ll find out on the journey

When you are at rock bottom, pun intended, you have nothing left but to gain. We had the ledger needed to root out the corruption in our village in our hands, but that braggart blowhard, Folo, swiped it from us. I suppose I should be glad that the Fire Nation Ambassador Lyyah and her minions found it on him and not us. And lucky for him, Ren’s father took pity on him and merely banished him from the village, which surprised me since he seems to be the puppet of the Fire Nation. I know my brother would be alive if the excessive monies stopped flowing out of the merchant village Fanrong and into the pockets of the Fire Nation’s war machine. But the ledger is missing and who knows who has it. It might be in the hands of Folo, who is hanging out at the outskirts of Fanrong. Or maybe it is in the claws of Lyyah who wants to make sure it does not see the light of day. Wherever it is, it is clear that the ledger will motivate the citizens off Fanrong to did the city of corrupt officials and Fire Nation sycophants.

Natone had to pry herself from Toshiro’s shoulders. Shaking him wouldn’t fix what he had done. She barked an order for him to lay low, and was shocked when he lowered his head in agreement. Natone had forgotten, again, who he was; she was used to talking to someone who would always fight back. Some days were easier than others to remember that she was no longer watching her sister, Katone.


Natone and Katone. Similar naming was common for twins in the Northern tribe, a superstition to mirror them like the koi fish they would eventually preach to others. But they could not have been more different.


Natone recognized that being chosen as moon priestesses from birth was a great honor. She studied diligently and watched her waterbending skills grow quickly. She also understood the importance of working with the public and built relations for the future.

Katone, on the other hand, wanted to live her own life outside of their destined servitude. She saw the momentous change when their tribe allowed women to fight and felt inspired. There were more traditions that had not yet been challenged and it did not make sense to wait for change. She asked hard questions, and frequently, about why things were done a certain way.

Natone was given the task of watching over Katone in their monastic training, as her twin’s rebellious questioning marked her as a “problem child”. Resentment grew quickly as Katone saw the difference in respect given to her sister. Worse, the more Natone protected her from social discord, the more Katone pulled away.

She never seriously questioned her sister’s intentions until Natone found her twin standing over the koi pond housing Tui and La, the two spirits of waterbending.

“Whatever you hope to achieve will not be found here. If you leave now no one will know.”

Katone responded with silence, eyes fixated on the swirling circle of the two fish.

“This can be our secret. I’ll never mention this to anyone.”

More silence, broken by the splash of her foot entering the pond.

“Stop and talk to me, Katone. I’m on your side. Just let me- “

Katone turned, sneering. “You have never been on my side! Choosing servitude over freedom, obedience over change – when have you ever heard me? Supported me? I have fought every moment I could for a different life and I refuse to pretend that you made it any easier.”

Natone was taken aback. “I’m…sorry, Katone. I never meant to hurt you. I was only trying to protect you.”

“Yet you’re not sorry for undermining me. How difficult do you think it is for me to be heard when my own sister won’t support me?”

Natone was silent because it was true. She trusted herself more than she did her sister, always thinking she knew what was best for Katone.

“I’m tired of fighting a lost battle, Natone. It’s time someone did something.”

Natone hardened. “We don’t have to agree on everything, but this is where I draw the line. Tui and La cannot be disturbed, and if you take another step forward I will have no choice but to stop you.”

“Then stop me.”

It was all over in a second. The moment Katone moved, Natone waterbent to propel her out of the pond and onto her back. Natone was breathing hard, keeping her stance and waiting for Katone to fight back, but was only met with stillness. Moments passed, and as Natone’s adrenaline ebbed she was slowly brought back to the present…

It was hard to not see Katone’s firecracker energy in Toshiro, but she had to learn to trust again. Trust that while he may need protection, he can also grow on his own too.

A message from Natone & Toshiro

For what seemed like the hundredth time, Ah Niu came over to check on the cut Toshiro had received from that elderly mechanist, but he waved his arms like he was shooing away a fly. He knelt next to the tarp that they’d laid Natone on, fidgeting with a small pile of parts. At least once a minute, he looked up at his guardian’s prone form, or gently touched her sleeve, to see if she had stirred.

It was as if his worst fears were coming to bear. Sure, Sigurd had scared away their opponents – and frightened Toshiro, truth be told – with his literal meltdown, but not before Natone had collapsed from over exerting herself by taking the brunt of the mechanist’s attack. Ah Niu had done what she could for the young priestess, but said that rest was the best thing for her now.

When Natone’s eyes fluttered open, Toshiro leaped to his feet, scattering gears and brass tubes everywhere. “She’s awake! She’s awake!” he called out, trying to get Ah Niu’s attention. While everyone’s attention was on Natone, he used his sleeve to wipe tears of joy from his eyes.

Once Natone was sitting up, Toshiro knelt across from her, trying to look as serious as possible. “You can’t do that anymore, Natone-san. You knew you were at your limit when you protected me from that blow, and it nearly cost you your life! I appreciate that you care for me so much, but you can’t push yourself so hard. I…I can’t lose you.”

The last time I had been on the receiving end of any scolding was when I was Toshiro’s age. I couldn’t help but grin at the kid. His eyes focused on me, determined brow furrowed. Such a serious face for a young boy. But when he spoke, my heart stopped.

Finale Writeup:

“If you say ‘Father Glowworm’ again, I’ll shove it so far up your ass you’ll taste it again in your mouth.”

Natone was trembling with anger. She hadn’t blood-bended before and was giving in to losing control. The Fire Nation hath no wrath like a mother’s protection.

“You corrupted that child. That child! Do you have any idea what he’s been through? Promising a future that’s, what, better for him in darkness? Taking him from a past of darkness into another one? For someone with time-bending ‘wisdom’ and the ability to see into infinite possible alternate timelines, you thought that was a good idea? For him? He is a brilliant kid, and how dare you pull that shit.”

The moments that followed happened in beats. The thudding in her chest didn’t slow down when Sigurd helped her to the roof, when she checked on her friends, or when she talked with Toshiro. Only on the journey, as she watched the slowly approaching horizon, did her gaze soften.

Things were never going to be the same now. She could feel it. Ji Mi had been saved (for the most part?) and the group was back together again. But something had shifted. Even as the waves crash upon the beach, the sands were forever shifting.

Writeup #1

Gosh darn it Smiley we done messed up. Everything is all cattywampus! Ji Mi were the only one who believed in us now he’s caught like a rabaroo in a briar patch!

Here we are fresh out the swamp trying to save a poor dragon critter who ain’t even hatched yet but we done lost the only person who knows how to help ‘em.

I think my plan to fling Smiley my opossum chicken was a great distraction for those stupid fire nations guards. If their brains were leather, they wouldn’t have enough to saddle a junebug. Now that Captain Zuel though, he’s meaner than a wet pantherine, but my friends shocked him into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday!

With a clever show of playing possum and some highfalutin’ talk from Natone, we told those guards to get and saved ol’ Sage Po. Now the only question is how do we save Ji Mi and protect the egg all without getting caught? I hope that when Natone realizes I have more great ideas then you can shake a stick at we can really show General Ganzaya what for!

Writeup #2:
We ain’t leaving you Ji Mi we is coming back for ya!

After a lot of help from our good friends old and new we made it back inside. With my new fire nation guard uniform I’m looking fine as a frogs hair split three ways! I done feel a bit guilty though after our new guard buddy were kind enough to offer a tour to Liu Ying and me… I sure hope he don’t get a lickin’ from his boss for getting stuck in that pit. We got some good news Liu Ying rescued her Pa!

Now sumthin I neglected to mention things are kind of hinkey… hopefully spirits willin and the creek don’t rise it’s nothing too bad but I saw something. While Liu Ying were helping her Pa. I found another one of them strange things! These weird things shimmer like swamp gas in a sunset. I ain’t seen nothin like it!

This time it’s a poor critter who ain’t done no harm in its life. I knew we had to get to Ji Mi quick like but he woulda wanted me to help! I done help my new komodo rhino buddy but that thing I saw it ain’t right! The vision of that eyeball swamp goo critter got me nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers! I got a notion it’s all got sumtin to do with them air cult folks looks like they got Ji Mi too. We’re comin Ji Mi just you wait!

Write up for intro session:

Liu Ying 流螢 (Flowing Fireflies) couldn’t feel more lost at the moment. She not only failed to save her father, but also lost Ji Mi, the one who raised her, in the process. Now both of them are imprisoned in the Fire Nation. She may be a firebender but this is enemy territory. They’ve stolen the dragon egg with Ji Mi’s help but what was the next step to their plan? How are they going to stop Ganzaya without Ji Mi to lead them? Liu Ying aimlessly follows the group, as Natone leads them to a priestess safe house.

As they reach the temple, there seems to be guards surrounding the area. Liu Ying starts to notice that the city seems to be on high alert. They’re looking for us. For the egg, she thought. Natone seems to have a plan as she tells the group to wait back here. She approach the guards alone. Liu Ying was too far to hear the their conversation, but tried to be on high alert for her companions. She’s not the youngest, but as next in line at the age of fifteen, she didn’t want to be a burden. She doesn’t want any more of those close to her to get hurt or captured. Suddenly, a huge explosion happens and chaos ensues. Liu Ying notices Niu dage 牛大哥 (Big Bro Cow) taking this opportunity to sneak into the temple. She follows, with Sigurd close behind. The three of them heard a commotion inside the main room. Once inside the room, Liu Ying noticed a group of guards bullying an old priest near the altar. Niu dage lure most of the guards out with some kind of chicken trick, but one guard had stayed behind. He seems to be giving out the orders and is probably the leader of the guards. Liu Ying abhors bullies. As a firebender born in the Earth Nation after the invasion of the Fire Nation, she was often picked on by her neighbors and cast out of her home town, Drozatis, at a very young age. If it wasn’t for Ji Mi taking her under his wing, she wouldn’t have survived till now.

No matter what Liu Ying had to stop this bully. She rushed in to stand between the lead guard and the priest. Sigurd seem to be in sync with her actions and started to engage the guard as well. The guard cast some kind of fire ability on Liu Ying, which she was able to absorb and return the favor through her Arc Lightning technique. With a hand gesture, lightning was casted through her finger to the guard. It was strong enough to knocked the guard out to Liu Ying’s surprise. Wow, first time using this ability. I should practice this skill more often, she thought. She turn towards Sigurd and noticed that he shared a smile of triumph with her. The two of them shared a elemental secret handshake in celebration.

“Sigurd, you’re amazing! …Do you think I’m cute?”

“Your beauty shines bright like an opal in the rough. …Do you look up to me?”

Of course. But how to express this to him without him being too suspicious of my feelings?! What does Miko do when she agrees…

Liu Ying stares at the ground and nods her head vigorously, copying her red fanda (red panda + fox) pet. “Yes, I do.”

Liu Ying was saved from further embarrassment when Natone, Niu dage, and Toshiro entered the room with the guards from outside. Somehow Natone was able to convince them that they were sent here by Ganzaya and the guards all left. Toshiro asked Sage Po, the man that Liu Ying protected, to see if he was able to teach her any new techniques. Liu Ying accepted him as a new master and learned Lightning Blast. Sage Po expressed that the temple was no longer a safe place to stay. Niu dage suggested the sewers to hide for now and they headed that way.

Principle: Leaning towards Action

NPC: Sage Po

Goal for next session: Find out where her father and mentor Ji Mi is imprisoned. Figure out a way to save them.

Writeup #2

Liu Ying thought the biggest surprise of the night was falling through a thin wall from a tunnel and having to be ready to draw swords with two gossiping Fire Nation guards at the keep. But nope, she was wrong. Just when she thought nothing could top Niu dage pretending to be her uncle and bluffing about how it was “bring your niece/nephew to work day”, she was wrong again. Apparently, dumb and dumber bought it all and even offered them a tour right down to the famous pit with all the important prisoners.

Good thing our contact, Keisuke, gave us his badge, Liu thought. It was all the proof the guards needed. “Uncle Keisuke” definitely impressed Liu Ying more than once during his ploy. Niu dage’s ability to mesmerize the woman at the tavern, Jumping Crickets, with just his accent was beyond Liu Ying’ s comprehension. All she knows is that Niu dage distracting the woman gave Golem and Miko enough time to cause some ruckus on the cart with goods to lure her way. This gave the party the opportunity to find the tunnel entrance inside the storage room of the tavern and leading up to the biggest bombshell of the night: Liu Ying finding her father in the pit. It’s the strangest thing to have a reunion with a parent after years of dreaming about that very moment. Luckily, Liu Ying was saved from pondering too much in the moment by Niu dage’s mental decision in saving the rhino that seems to give him cooties. Apparently, their whole party has been voodooed. Some due to a weird box that plays music and Niu dage got it from touching the rhino. Niu dage forbids Liu Ying from touching anything first for precaution, but she’s tempted to join them in seeing the vision. Doesn’t feel too good being left out. Not too different to being abandoned as a child.

Liu Ying and Niu dage were able to save her father, the rhino and the missing pirate king, Kallik. Liu hears Toshiro shout “let’s start a riot tonight” somewhere in the castle as they rush to join the rest of the party.

Liu Ying’s Diary


1) Save father (still on it) Found him! 😄

2) Steal dragon egg We have it!

3) Save Ji Mi

in danger!!!

Mother, you would have been proud of me. I found father and saved him! He still recognizes me.

What should I be calling Ah Niu in the future? Uncle or brother?

Writeup #3

Welp! Liu Ying is no longer curious about the vision the rest of the party has seen. Actually, she rather unsee what she saw. What was the saying? “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” Liu Ying is not satisfied. She listened to Niu dage and avoided touching any weird objects and beings, like those zombie hoodie ones in the tower doing weird whirlwind summonings. But still ended up getting voodooed for trying to destroy a time gate that was harming Ji Mi. There was no other opinion. Liu Ying had to save the man that raised her. If it wasn’t for Ji Mi, she wouldn’t have been able to survive till now. Nor would she have known what having a family felt like. Yes, their party was random recruits or strays that Ji Mi picked up along the way. But they all truly care for each other and would do their best to save Ji Mi. To Liu Ying, they are her family. And family never leaves one behind.

Before Ji Mi faded away, he saved a rhino and shared that they needed to stop Father Glowworm to be able to save him and all time and space…whatever that means. Ji Mi expressed that random items not belonging to their time can be used to communicate with others that could help the mission. Liu Ying remember watching Natone shouting to a necklace asking What boy? and Sigurd taking that same necklace to declare that he was the great Sigurd. The two of them looked weird and crazy shouting to an object that didn’t seem to respond back to them, but if Ji Mi wants us to work with others and communicate this way, then she will do it. Liu Ying used up all the energy she had left to send a message through the tapestry Ji Mi handed to them. The last time Liu Ying remembered before passing out was shouting, MUST WORK TOGETHER.

Liu Ying’s Diary


1 Save father (still on it) 🙂

2 Steal dragon egg We have it! Ji Mi said it’s gone?! 🤷‍♀️

3 Save Ji Mi in danger!!! Saved but still in danger and needs saving again

Go to Northern Air Temple

Kuang Sui Dao

spirit is there???

Sigurd said I’m like a sister to him. Not sure if I should be happy or not about this. He was impressed with my skills. I’ll show him more of what I can do and maybe we’ll become closer.

Golem’s gender = rockies?

Writeup #1

My name is Sigurd Beifong and this is my diary


I am a proud child of the Royal Beifong family. I have devoted my life to proving myself and making the Beifong name known worldwide. Every year the Beifong family has a large formal reunion, that always ends in a show and tell of sorts. All of the kids strive to impress the family with their earthbending. But really, it is just a way for the parents to brag and one-up each other. Every young Beifong is part of the show except for poor Toph. I hear she isn’t allowed to earthbend, that’s probably a cover-up because she can’t. Nonetheless, I do feel sorry for her. She can’t see or do anything for herself, and her parents are very protective.


It’s my turn to show off my new skills. I pull a stone from my pocket and begin to melt it into a ball of lava. I fling it through a series of wooden dummies, hitting most of them and slicing clean through the rest. I look to the crowd and take a bow, proud of myself. But I see Toph grinning, did she like my show too? Silly me, how could she, she’s blind.

It’s the next year and I’ve honed in the skill further. I stomp a chunk of earth up from in front of me and and immediately melt it into a lava star. I send it into the course and effortlessly slice the head of every dummy clean off. Quite the feat I must say. Quite proud, I turn to the crowd and bow, but I spot Toph grinning once again. This time she is almost chuckling, is she laughing at me? No, that was impressive and she is blind, what am I thinking?


It’s the third year and I am up to the stage. The crowd is silent waiting for my next move. I begin by mounting pillars under my feet until I am well above the crowd and melt down two lava stars. Just as I start my assault I hear a chuckle and a snort. Who was that? I look to see Toph laughing to herself. Am I some kind of joke to her? I am impressive, I make my family proud. I am an ICON. Who is this weak blind girl to laugh at ME!? I reset myself and start again, and just as I move, that pig-nosed brat breaks out in a rolling laughter. What is it? What am I doing? Am I so much of a joke that even the blind girl can see it? Is everyone just lying to me to make me feel good? What if I am just a joke? My lava stars harden and fall to the earth. Do I make my family proud? I sink to my knees and begin to question myself. Am I worthy of the Beifong name? I cannot carry on the family legacy if I am to be laughed at.


After my disgraceful act, everyone is kind to me and tells me it is ok to crack under pressure. I know they are just consoling the weak, unimpressive Sigurd. I need to talk to Toph, alone. Why was she laughing at me?

The following week, I decided to go to Toph’s home and ask her. I show up and ask her parents if I can take her shopping or to the spa. I want to strengthen our relationship as cousins. They think it’s a wonderful idea, and bring her down. She is such a small weak girl compared to me. Dressed so fancifully, and always extremely polite. On our way to the shops, I pull her off the street and into an alleyway. Her sweet demeanor is gone in an instant and the devilish grin is back. “This is about the family reunion isn’t it?” she says to me. Of course it is, why have you been laughing at me year after year, despite my performances being so impressive? “You’re just incredibly predictable, you pretentious fussy-britches. Every time you move those little toys of yours you twitch your nose.” After a few minutes of confusion and frustrating conversation, I take a deep breath and tell her that if she ever wants to spar since she can’t at reunions I’d be happy to oblige. (As you can imagine she took me up on that right away and absolutely kicked my ass) I think back on that day often, she may have kicked my ass in that competition, but she also kick-started a fire within me. Igniting a desire to always strive for greatness and perfection. For the next year, we continued to challenge each other. She has shown me the importance of pushing boundaries and embracing challenges head-on, “There’s no different angle, no clever solution, no trickity trick that’s gonna move that rock. You gotta face it head-on.” as she often told me.


It’s been a year since Toph’s disappearance. We got word she trained the Avatar, and helped end the hundred-year war! She is the talk of the world right now, and everyone knows Toph Beifong. I am proud of her, but also fueled and driven to make something great of myself. I want to world to know my first name, not just my last. I have decided to venture to the Fire Nation and consult with Fire Lord Zuko.

Hopefully, I can help solidify his reign and make my name known.

Finale writeup:

After traveling through time and making his name known to all he could, Sigurd was left with a deep emptiness in his heart. He felt that he had gotten a little carried away and became someone he was not. Although all of time was now aware of The Great Sigurd, nobody really knew him. Nobody but his newfound friends. It dawns on him that he doesn’t need all of time to know his name, so long as a few that actually care for him know, then he is more than happy. He looks around at his friends. All this time what he really wanted was just under his nose, but he was so blinded by ambition he failed to see it. Nothing will be the same now, but he will have his new friends and that is all that matters. He feels obligated to go home to BaSingSe to report his adventures and achievements in the Beifong name. And due to helping save this era the Beifong family extends their provisional arm out to the group. New houses can be built custom to each member and anything they may need could be provided. As a true privileged city boy, Sigurd feels most at home in the large bustling city of BaSingSe, and he pleads with the group to stay. But ultimately, if his friends decide to go elsewhere, he will stay with them.

Writeup #1

As Liu Ying left the main chamber of the temple with Po, Toshiro started searching for a quiet place where he could work. Kneeling at a long, stone bench, he rolled out the leather case that held most of his tools, carefully selected a number of parts from the collection of scraps he kept in his backpack, and started piecing them together.

He was still a bit sore over the scolding he’d taken from Natone. It had looked to him like the guard had wanted to take her inside to confirm her story. Then what? She would have had to face that bastard who’d been torturing Po – and all his guards! – alone. There was no way that Toshiro could let anything bad happen to Natone. After all, she was the closest thing to a mother that he’d ever had. And the only parent figure in his life; since his dad had been incarcerated by Firelord Ozai’s secret police.

He still wondered what had happened to his father after that. Was it even possible that he was still alive? If so, could he have been freed when the war ended, or was he still a prisoner? Toshiro had only gone back to their old home once since the day his father was arrested. He’d left a note – in a puzzle box he knew his father would be able to open – letting whoever found it know that he’d been recruited by Firelord Zuko.

As he worked, lost in thought, a metal frame took shape before him. Setting his tools down, he flicked a switch. Panels directed toward the center of the frame started to glow reddish-orange with heat. Then the whole frame started to glow! There was a spark, then two more, and the construct cooled to the dull metal color they’d started from, blackened in places. One of the heat panels twisted with a painful groan and clattered to the benchtop.

From somewhere else in the temple, Toshiro heard a series of loud crackling noises and knew that Liu Ying was having better luck in her endeavor than he’d had in his. He sighed and gathered up his tools, and the parts that were still usable. Time to go back to the drawing board!

Writeup #2:
Normally, the novelty of traveling cross-country on the shoulders of a massive stone golem would have excited Toshiro. Today, however, he was lost in thought as he leaned against Natone in silence.

Their victory at the tower had been hard-fought, nearly costing both Sigurd and Natone’s lives. For Toshiro, the victory was a hollow one.

Had he done the right thing, taking Lady Devna’s offer? At the time, he’d thought it was the only way to get close to the portal; the only way to possibly destroy it and stop Devna’s plans in their tracks without her trying to kill him. But once she’d taken his hand, Toshiro could feel icy tendrils worm their way into his thoughts, compelling him to do Devna’s bidding.

He looked around at his other companions. Sigurd and Liu Ying were cut from the same cloth: brave warriors who never backed down from a fight, no matter how desperate the odds. Ah Niu seemed a bit silly at times, but he had a keen wit and a heart big enough to care for every living thing, whether animal or plant.

And then there was Natone, who had made it her solemn duty to protect Toshiro. She’d been the mother he’d never known. But she also had been a rock and a guiding light for him, drawing him back from the darkness he’d known after he lost his father and steering him away from his worst impulses.

Devna was gone for now, but what would happen if she showed back up? Would Toshiro be able to resist her control? Or would he be the instrument of his family’s doom?

It is times and incidents like this that make me almost grateful my family fell from grace. The Earth Kingdom seems more interested in who can give them power over lifting the people up. The boy, Xioashang is being used as tool and it sticks in my craw. And it likely all this leads back to that crazed idiot of an Earth Queen.

I do not quite know what to make of my new companions. Setting the forest on fire was certainly a choice but we survived. The bodyguard is trying and the girl seems to have her own agenda. They both seem to be talented but rash benders, but I think I might be looking at them through recent history. The reporter I don’t know what to make of. Its hard for me to read through the fog of his outward demenor. I feel like there is something more there I am not seeing.

Nandha is quietly impressive. I feel there is a deep desire for a better life for him and his people that drives him and for to step in help rescue a little boy despite them being earth kindgom Royalty shows his character.

Slate. They feel familar. Like family. But there is such a stoic vaneer of tradition it may take longer than we have to get through.

All of this is just rambling. We have a duty to try to rescue Xioashang. He deserves the chance to be a little boy and not pawn to elite.

From the dirty, battered journal of Heng the Red, leader of the Desert Foxes:

“After the Desert Foxes went underground, I had hoped to clear suspicion in Omashu by hiding out in the Cave of Two Lovers for a few days. That didn’t go according to plan, to put it lightly.”

“The Postmaster General has ties to the Dai Li, and this kid is apparently the old mad King’s heir. Not what I’d expect, but we can’t overlook this chance. If the kid’s mother hadn’t blocked off the path to buy us more time, I’m sure she’d have given us more information for the cause.”

“The others there were an odd bunch, and we managed to escape the tunnel, only to walk right into an ambush. Two of the firebenders very quickly set the forest on fire, but we managed to get out in one of the General’s trucks. A metalbender, of all things, was able to snatch the child out from under us at the last minute.”

“We need to find him. Practical reasons or not, a kid’s life is at stake.”






Lost my journal in the fire. Suppose I’ll use this until I find a replacement. Seems fitting.

Turns out the boss has a kid. No older than eleven. Around 4’10”. Shoe size 5m. Name’s Xiaosheng. Difficult to get eye color and facial features in the dark. VIP.

Lost the boss. We were surrounded by the postmaster’s men. She collapsed a tunnel to delay them, and we were separated. Her last order was to take care of her child.

Lost the kid. Let my guard down at the wrong time after I thought we were safe. Metalbender ambushed us and kidnapped the kid.

V likely that metalbender is working with postmaster general but not confirmed.

Next steps are to chase down research train rest. No use to anyone in my current state

Omashu is in shambles over this succession business. The very fact they have hired us, a band of misfits, speaks volumes to that. That being said, these people need our help. My brother has already deployed his agents into the field. I recognized that metal bender as one of his goons. We may already be reaching the point of being met with overwhelming force. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of giving up. An earth kingdom without omashu is a broken state. One controlled by people with only self-aligned interests.

This kid is our best hope? Sure, he’s quick witted, but he seems too innocent, too naive for what a ruler must be ready to do. To make matters worse he may have just lost the last adult he can truly trust. Everyone he meets from now on is going to want something from him. Hopefully we can shield him from this harsh reality for as long as possible.

The party we assembled saw their first action today. It could have gone worse. I’m not sure a bloodthirsty nature will serve our mission in the long term. Protecting this kid is going to take more than keeping him physically intact. Assuming we can even manage to do that

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