Choose Your Adventure!

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In an initiative to introduce people to new TRPGs, we decided to start a new and fun way to try out new systems that you want to play! This could be anything from 7th Sea traveling the seas of Théah to Epyllion where you play as young dragons trying to find your way. The FWD GMs will decide a theme, system, or games they want to try running, put up a signup, and run an adventure.

Maybe you are reading this because you are interested in doing this yourself or want to know what goes behind the adventure you could partake in. Either way this will walk through how we set up the CYA mini-campaigns.

Step 1: Where/When/What

First you want to ask these three questions as a GM. You want to make sure that the where is easy for you. After you figure out the location figure out when you want to play dates, times, etc. Personally I am a big fan of bi-weekly games, it allows you plenty of time to prep without players becoming burned our from the game you are running. Figure out what works for you and your community!

Now the what, as a GM this is by far the most important because run something maybe you do not normally get to run. Dust off that old game you bought at that con as throw it on the list! I recommend one of the two: put a list of game you want to run or do a system you want to run with different settings.


The first CYA we had: One Piece, Android, Terrinoth, Legends of the 5 Rings, 7th Sea, Star Wars, Overlight, and Tales from the Loop. One Piece ended up winning, but I made a list based on games I wanted to try running.

The Second CYA the GM chose a system PBTA: World Wide Wrestling, Hogwarts, Legend of the Elements, Masks, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows, and Apocalypse World Burned Over.

Also it is always good to put a little description next to each to allow players to know what they are getting into if they do not want to look it up.

Step 2: Signups

Next you want to set up your form to allow people to easily gain the information you are trying to convey. Go here to check out an example for what a form could look like! Gather the information you need and make it easy enough for you players to understand. Make sure you set a clear deadline and also let your players know this will be first come first serve basis, but if you do choose to do another one after this maybe give the players who signed up and did not get a spot priority in the next one! Another option is to have a backup GM ready to take the next 4-5 signups into their own game.

Also be aware of dropouts at the last second. I had 9 people sign up for the first CYA and then 3 bailed from the initial 5 I let in. Let those players know they are wait listed.

Make sure that you have a place for everyone to communicate. I recommend a discord server of some kind. On our discord we have private channels for the adventures where I can post information about signups, the campaign etc.

Step 3: Final Communication

Email, discord, text, another form whatever it may be communicate all the information to the players needed for those who gained a spot. Make sure you also gain confirmation that the players will be showing up for Session 0 and if they do not show up contact someone wait listed ASAP.

In this last step I sent out a final communication with a description for the final choices and another form for the final vote/confirmation that they will be attending. See the form here for and example of what this could look like. This allowed me to narrow down with certainty what the players in my group would be overall happy with playing.

Step 4: The GAME

This is by far the easiest and most fun part! Go, have fun, and just enjoy the adventure along with your crew. Keep one thing in mind about running these mini-adventures, your players will typically invest as much as you do! Have a solid setup and the rest will be a cake walk. I typically recommend the following: Have a session 0 (because it is just dang fun), make it 3-4 sessions long, run something already printed and if you have to home brew let that session 0 guide your path. Finally allow the players to build a characters quickly over the 3-4 sessions using inspiration, bringing treats, doing write-ups, anything to allow the players to feel as though they were able to build a character and see the system in a short amount of time!


Overall do your best to follow the third core value of FWD RPG using the “Yes, and…” GM style. Make the game fun for all and fun for yourself. These mini-adventures can be an easy access for many into the world of role playing and and easy way for a GM to run something they never have before.

Let me know if the comments if you want to see a toolkit put together that would help launch your adventures or if you have tried this and feel free to share your story with us!

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