
Sunken: The Farthest Shore

The stories we tell are often not of gallant survivors but of the hard-pressed, star-crossed crestfallen. They are the poetry of the broken and the inhuman breakers: haunting things, deep and dark and bellowing things, unfathomable things that consume all that edges to their precipice. Sunken is a tabletop roleplaying game about these things. It is a tabletop roleplaying game about these things and the sea. It is a tabletop roleplaying game about how your characters find their doom among these things while at sea. Sunken shifts the focus of the world of Trophy onto – and below – the vast and treacherous Salt Sea, expanding “That Silent Howl” from Codex: Void into a full stand alone system that remains rooted in the mechanics of Trophy Dark.

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Bigfoot in Portland!

Bigfoot is in Portland, Oregon, and he’s got your car with your friend’s birthday present inside! It up to you and your group to track Bigfoot down, handle the zany characters in the city of Portland, and get your car (and your friend’s birthday present) back! Jump into a fictionalized version of Portland and play the one page RPG “Oh Dang! Bigfoot Stole my Car with my Friend’s Birthday Present Inside”. Designed with a heavy emphasis on comedy and improv, Oh Dang! Bigfoot makes character creation easy and gets you into the game as quickly as possible. So join GM Blake on a wacky night of adventure as you get your friend’s birthday present back from Bigfoot!

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Steampunk Double-Feature: Ecryme

Ecryme is a dystopian, Victorian universe where the world has been almost totally covered by a strange acidic substance called the ecryme, leaving only sparse islands where humanity survives in overcrowded industrial cities. Using a custom 2d6 rule system, you will solve political intrigues, investigate supernatural events… and discover that there is more to the weird ecryme sea than meets the eye!

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Steampunk Double-Feature: Into the Odd

Into the Odd is a rules-light, flavor-heavy roleplaying game of industrial horror and cosmic strangeness. Players will take on the role of treasure hunters taking on all manner of Odd jobs in order to scrape by. This particular Odd Job? Rat-catching! All sorts of new vermin have started to poke their way to the surface as adventurers plunge the depths. The Augemaus in particular has been quite the nuisance, luckily that means it pays more to get rid of them AND it seems the Bastion Scientific League has a bounty on them live or dead! Never been a better time to be a rat-catcher… kinda. Players will help clear the Bellamaus Hotelry & Suites of their infestation and will likely find that maybe not is all that it seems…and perhaps that the Augemaus are more than just vermin…

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Trophy Dark: Southern Holler

In the hills and valleys of Appalachia lie many a hidden holler. These are secret spaces, liminal and oracular. You know in the mountains there is coal, those dark, black diamonds that mean riches and a life of leisure. Hidden in between the dense forests and winding creeks, the fog and spiritualists, the shale and caves, there is hope, future, a hidden and secret valley. But the mountains, southerner, are older than you. And they’re waiting. Trophy Dark is a collaborative storytelling game about a group of treasure-hunters on a doomed expedition into a forest that doesn’t want them there.

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Troika! Carnelian Riddle in the House of Indolent Blooms

You are commissioned to rob a Sphinx… Infiltrating his garden party… Meandering through a semi-hostile demiplane segregated from the flow of time… TROIKA! is a science-fantasy role-playing game where you and your cosmopolitan group of fellow travellers explore the ends of the multiverse. You will fly on mystic barges, help dying gods, solve confounding crimes, plunder dead worlds, and meet strange & wonderful people.

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Trophy Dark: To Make My Bread

Fi, Fai, Foh, Fum. I smell the blood of a little one. Be you alive or be you dead, I’ll grind your bones to make my bread. Just inside the edge of the forest, a half day’s journey from Fort Duhrin and nestled into the banks of the Naveh River, are the ruins of a massive, old mill known as Kormoran’s Wheel. Given the strategic location of the mill ruins, a tent city has sprung up around it—an unlicensed gathering point for treasure-hunters and those seeking to profit from their journey. The Fort’s governor has sent in the kingsguard four times to toss out the squatters and tear the tents down, and four times the city has been rebuilt bigger than before. The residents of Kormoran’s Wheel have little fear of the kingsguard or any other so-called authority figure with fancy proclamations and fancier horses. What they do fear—and are

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Mage: The Awakening Noir – The Big Goodnight

It’s 1949. Millions are dead after WW2. The Fallen world struggles to survive. The Awakened world questions its role – of what use is magic in a world where tens of thousands can die in atomic fire? You are the Lamppost Cabal. In a city filled with mad wizards, you do things quietly. When a Mage walks into their bar & literally falls apart, the characters are dragged into the search for a secret with the potential to alter the course of the world. But in this hardboiled world the only winners are those smart or selfish enough to stay in the grey – because black & white is for chumps. Mage the Awakening is a World of Darkness game about sorcerers struggling to maintain their humanity in a world where anything is truly possible. Known for its free-form magic and gritty horror-based stories.  

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Trophy Dark: A Warm and Pleasant Hum

Given the interest in the first session of this Trophy incursion, we’ve decided to run it again! The human world has room for many monarchs, but The Humming Woods has only one Queen. This six-legged Mother of Millions dines exclusively on an elixir said to cure any ill, or even extend one’s life… a royal jelly of matchless quality. Few dare attempt to steal any jelly away, protected as it is by the swarms that live in Her remote hive, The Six-Form Heart. But what if one had grander dreams than of a waxed sack of purloined jelly? In this Trophy Dark incursion, your treasure-hunters will journey into a dark and bee-filled wood in search of their dearest desire… but will find nothing but destruction. Trophy Dark is a collaborative storytelling game about a group of treasure-hunters on a doomed expedition into a forest that doesn’t want them there.

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Under Hollow Hills

In Under Hollow Hills, you play the performers, planners, and crew of a traveling circus. You’re fairies and mortal humans, of various kinds and descriptions, but one and all you’ve found your way to the circus and now you travel with it. You make your way through fairyland and the human world, performing wherever you go, in street fairs and crossroads markets, in vacant lots, fairy palaces, amphitheaters, and among the standing stones. You perform for great and small, and to you, a child’s birthday in a town park is as important as the command of the the great Crowned Heads of fairyland. Wherever you perform, you change: you change the seasons, you change the fortunes of those you perform for, you change their hearts. You change yourselves. This is the game: we change.

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