FWD RPG Application

FWD (Forward) RPG was created by Game Masters who love all RPGs, and want to grow the hobby. We run RPGs at cons, gamedays, game stores, private homes, online, and wherever else we can run them.

3 Tenets:

  1. We run games besides D&D

  2. We’re always willing to teach the games regardless of your experience level

  3. We use a “Yes, And” GM style rather than a “Gotcha” GM style

This form is for you to express interest in being a member under the FWD banner. Doing so means you agree with the above 3 tenets and want to help grow the RPG community. We’re excited to hear from you!

Also please take the time to look over FWD RPG Policies as these will need to be agreed upon after accepted into FWD RPG

Make sure you are on the discord: