Sea Kings (Paragon Playset)

On Riknoumi the Sea Kings rule. In this far off world the Age of Destruction dawned when a group of pirates, thousands of years ago, discovered the legendary treasure that unlocked ascension and the awakening of birthseals. At the awakening of the birthseals, every race had children born with and strange marks which destined them for an obsession with traveling the seas with a goal of gaining ascension.  After many years of war, eight kings were established and all that remained of the world were islands controlled by those eight. Each Sea King found ascension, leaving their territories protected and in a state of peace. Many thought the wars were over until the Sea Kings became bored and wanted a new challenge. So they spread news to every Island a simple challenge: “Take control of our lands and ascend to join us, good luck”.

The Age of Pirates dawned with this declaration. Born with the birthseal, you gather your crew, and begin your path towards ascension. What is the pirate life to you? Freedom? Adventure? Power? Peace?

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